Sunday 2 March 2014


So after having my humidistat malfunction which resulted in an entire greenhouse filled with frozen plants and dead bugs i had to walk away for a while. That was by far one of the most depressing and sad things to have happen to me so far in my farming adventure (I'm sure there will be much much worse to come).
Yesterday and today though i went in with my sleeves rolled up and started planting onions in beer cups. I'm really excited for this spring! I have so many awesome things on the go for my farm including a reopening, i'm just so pumped to tell everyone! However, i'm not going to do that just yet...

My seed order came in and we're well over 109 varieties of vegetables and herbs that will be for sale this summer. I have some even crazier looking cucumbers this year!

It's cold and nasty today but the greenhouse is a balmy 80 degrees Fahrenheit!

Here are some pictures from the last two days.

Here we go again with my mother's petunia's, which is the reason the greenhouse is so freaking hot right now. Only 14 days of intense heat before i can turn it down to a normal level. 

Yellow onions!!! Loads and loads of yellow onions! Not done yet, couple more days and all the onions will be planted. 

I know everyone is sick to death of snow so maybe these pictures will help with the winter blah's.