Wednesday 13 November 2013

My experiment in growing during the winter in Northern Ontario.

Well all things considered it's actually going fairly well, in fact I've been eating fresh yellow beans straight off the plant for a few days now. However, there are a few problems.

Regulating the temperature has been a challenge. I finally had my humidity controls installed the other day so the humidity levels have finally started to drop. Unfortunately the damage has already been done; as I now have a fairly large fungus gnat problem. The fungus gnat larva has started too eat the roots of various plants so I've been holding off replanting until this weekend. I also have a white fly and aphid problem. I've ordered about 6000 various predator bugs to help with the infestation and they should be here on Friday.

Water has been another issue. Trucking watering cans to and from the house got a little old so we filled a 45 gallon drum and put a pump in it so i'm able to water a little faster. Unfortunately filling the drum back up requires a warm day to run a hose to the greenhouse.

The doors of the greenhouse are being replaced in two weeks to help with the humidity and the over all heat loss problem.

I'm not supplementing any light right now, i'm just using what the sun gives me. So far stretching hasn't become a huge issue. For the most part everything is growing pretty nicely.

I know that i haven't been blogging as regularly as i would like,  I've taken a fairly large amount of projects on right now and i'm trying my best to manage my time accordingly so my blog has had to take a back seat. Also i haven't really had much to report.

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