Friday 20 September 2013

A very late picture update

I'm sorry for not posting any updates recently, i started my dance classes this week and my life is a bit crazy. Also i'm so sore that i can hardly move and I've pretty much had to take the week off.

A few things have happened since i took these pictures. A huge frost hit a few days ago and froze all the tomato plants under the plastic, which sucked. So i picked them all and they're ripening in the basement. Oddly enough the few little tomatoes i left on the plants are still growing even though they're slightly dead. I had initially covered the squash but at some point during the night the cover blew off and frost killed all the squash plants. I'm pretty bummed about that one.

I took this picture the day before the frost hit. These guys are all in the basement now. 

These are my mother's Tiny Tim tomato plants that i grew her. They're producing really nicely now that they're back in the greenhouse. 

The fig tree is doing really really well inside. The little figs in the picture are much larger now and the tree has had substantial growth since it's been moved inside. 

Whatever wasn't killed is now under row covers. It looks like i'm growing sheets. 

This is my mother's sad little grape vine. I've taken it under my wing and my plan is to eat some grapes. 

Yesterday i was going to take apart the cold frames that are over the hot peppers since they looked half dead and frozen the other day. So i went in and checked them out and there are actually hot peppers everywhere. I'm happy they finally decided to start doing something at the end of September. 

For anyone wondering about the mustard, I plan to attack it on Monday. It's pretty much dry at this point so i just have to get the seeds out of the pods. Also the mustard flowered again after we cut it and now i have another round of pods to harvest. 

The peppers in the greenhouse are having a bit of a hard time. They've started to ripen finally however, i'm pretty sure i have root rot from all the rain in August. So i'm fighting off rot and aphids, yes aphids. Thankfully there are still about a hundred ladybugs in the greenhouse so they're making quick work of them. Freakin aphids! Man, they make me angry. Since the peppers are taking their sweet ass time to ripen i haven't been able to plant anything in the greenhouse because they're taking up all the space. 

So i'm doing a preserving workshop on Sunday at Martha's kitchen in south end. My plan was to make pickles, but no one has any cucumbers. I may be able to get my hands on half a bushel, but i'm not sure yet. You know it was a crappy growing summer when it's hard to track down a full bushel of pickling cucumbers. Even i don't have enough yet, maybe another week or so. So maybe we'll make zucchini relish or something. 

At this point in the game i'm exhausted and overwhelmed. I have so much work to do i don't want to do anything. This summer has been very discouraging. When i started my seeds i only accounted for about 2 weeks of screwed up weather when i should have accounted for a month and 2 weeks. I didn't get nearly as much as i had hoped for but, at least i learned a lot. Next year i'm preparing for the Apocalypse. 


  1. YOU'RE GROWING FIGS!?!?!?! How!?

  2. My mother wanted to give it a whirl. It didn't do much all summer outside but we moved it in the greenhouse and i transplanted it into a 12 gallon pot and now it's growing like crazy. We're experimenting with growing various trees in there. Next year we're going to attempt lemons again and oranges as well.
