Thursday 4 April 2013

Giant basil and pure stupidity. Oh and the soil arrived!

I haven't posted any updated pictures of the plants recently so here you go.

Sweet Basil.

Siam Basil.

Close up of the giant Siam basil.

Onions that badly need to be transplanted.

Yellow Peppers.

Various tomato plants. 

Hot peppers, orange peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, sweet peppers, red peppers, so many damn peppers!!

The lack of sun is killing me, look at my sad stretched beyond belief tomatillo plants. They day i took this photo was the first day the sun was out in about a week. These are going to be so much fun to transplant.

My cilantro is slowly starting to come around. 

More sad cilantro. 

Transplanted onions. They're doing really really well. The root systems are amazing. I'll have to pull one and take a picture. 

Today I had a moment of absolute stupidity and poured water all over my seeds...They're soaked. I really hope they don't germinate. 

 I left the best for last. Here it is; the sexiest thing I've seen in a while (okay maybe not). 30 bails of pro-mix. I already have 3 warming up in the greenhouse ready for transplanting tomorrow. I probably should have moved 10 but they're 60 lbs each and i wasn't in the mood.

The plants were fertilized with blood meal tea yesterday and have gone back to their regular dark shade of green. I've also discovered the smell of blood meal tea no longer bothers me and i actually find it rather comforting. So i suppose that means that i like the smell of decomposition...gross and weird.


  1. Oooooo exciting.
    Awww yeah gimme some of dat promi Mmmmmm.

    1. I hugged them when they were dropped off. I'm sure the transport driver thought i was nuts.
