Wednesday 20 March 2013

I'm so pleased with myself!!

Somewhat of a ridiculous title, but it holds true. My onions for the most part have bounced back, turns out they were just thirsty! It will be time to transplant them in about 3-5 days maybe less.

Check out these bad boys!

I noticed that their roots were a little thin last week so i hit them with some calcium and their stocks have doubled in size. The third sprout started today, so it just has to get roughly the same size as the other two and then i'll move them to a larger pot. I've decided to plant them in clear plastic beer cups from the dollar store. There is no point in purchasing specific pots for the onions when beer glasses would be the same size.

On a side note, i'm really freakin tired of shoveling! Between my house, my parents house, and shoveling out the greenhouse i'm pooped. I really wanted to go do some weight lifting today but my arms are exhausted, ah well, tomorrow is another day i suppose.

Here are some new pictures of the lemon tree. It's amazingly happy in the greenhouse. I have roughly 3-4 new lemons starting and i have one that is almost ripe. We had a small one fall off the tree the other day so i cracked it open to see if the fruit was alright since it was from last season. The fruit was perfect and the smell was amazing. I can't wait to make lemon pepper chicken with one of the lemons. 

The poblano peppers are growing like crazy, i figure i'll be transplanting these pretty soon as well. 

I had some of the Portuguese hot pepper mix sprout today. I can't wait to taste some of these peppers, i've never even heard of half the ones i planted before.  

The peppers in general i doing really well, these are some of the yellow peppers i planted a few weeks ago. 

My cilantro is just sad right now, It's been over a week since i transplanted them and they're very droopy. They are still producing leaves but the stock is super flimsy so they can't hold themselves up. They have a good amount of calcium so i'm wondering if they lack of potassium is the reason for this. Hopefully my kelp meal ships soon. The basil on the other hand is going insane, i'm going to have to move the shelves around on the rack soon they're almost touching the  shelf above them. 

Not all that much to report, luckily nothing has broken, exploded, caught fire, or been swallowed by a sink hole. I'm happy the sun is finally out but; man does it heat up the place fast, In 15 min when the sun came out this morning the greenhouse went from 80 to 85. I was trying to trim some onions with sweat just pouring down my face, maybe i'll bring my yoga mat and do some hot yoga in the green house one of these days. 


  1. Instead of Lady Mustard Seed, I think you should be called onion head or pepper......planter? Are you growing any mustard?

  2. Yeah, i spent way too much money on mustard for canning last year so i decided to grow mustard. Plus i wanted to try and make my own mustard. I'm also using it as a green manure and a weed supresent in some areas.
