Monday 18 March 2013

March Break is over

Not like there are any breaks or vacations in farming but, i had a lovely march break. I'm rather sad that it's ended it was really nice to have help everyday from my lovely fiance.

I went and purchased the largest watering can i could find which holds 3 gallons of water. I has changed my life! Took me 2 trips and 35min to water this morning. Blew my mind!

Isn't she beautiful?!?!?!

It's a good thing i lift weights because this watering can is pretty heavy.

A bunch of peppers are up as well as some tomatoes.

Poblano Peppers 

Yellow Peppers 

Purple Cherokee Tomatoes

Can't remember, probably yellow peppers

Most of Petunia's aren't up yet, i'm somewhat starting to panic. I did a bunch of research and it looks like they take a while but, i planted them on the 8th of march and that's a really long time. Hopefully i didn't screw them up. I do have one lone petunia that somehow ended up in the lemon tree, it's doing really well. 
Wow, what a terrible picture. 

I seem to be having some issues with my red onions. Not sure if they have nitrogen burn or they're just droopy from under watering them. They're on the top rack and somewhat hard to water, so I've moved them. Maybe it's just weak plants dieing off, but i think i'll have to plant another flat of them. All of the other onions are fine and very healthy. They have nice stocks on them and their root systems are looking really good. I hit them with some cal-mag earlier in the week. I also realized that i have absolutely no potassium in my soil, i always seem to forget something, so i have some kelp meal on the way. 

Oh! For anyone wondering about the lemon tree. It is doing FANTASTIC! It has new leaf sprouts, new branches, new lemons, and new blooms. It's obviously very bright in the greenhouse and it's not great for picture taking. This is a picture from last week. 

Everything for the most part is pretty happy in the greenhouse, including me. 

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