Wednesday 13 March 2013

Racks are starting to get pretty full.

Today was a full day, I actually got out of bed at 6am believe it or not and planned to water at 7am. I didn't even think about the fact that 7am is still really dark here in Timmins, so i waited until 8 to go. I think out the door by 8 is pretty good for now.

I'm so glad i had some help today, we got so much done! We planted roughly 10 flats of various peppers: Red, green, and yellow bell peppers. Red sweet peppers, poblano peppers, hot cherry peppers, cayenne peppers, oh my god so many peppers. Also planted some tomatoes, i'm just tired of buying them. To be honest i'm tired of buying a lot of things at the grocery store.

We were able to transplant the herbs today and by the looks of it we will have a fair amount in about 3-4 weeks. Which means i will actually have some for sale around that time, anyone want some organic herbs for their dinner? I will let you know what the price will be before hand.

I finally remembered to bring a camera today so here are some pictures.

Plants look always look so sad right after they've been transplanted.

Some of the herbs that I have

Green house is starting to fill up!

An upside down picture of the one petunia sprout, we had a few more sprout over the course of the day.

For some strange reason i always end up planting while there is some sort of snow storm outside, or maybe it's because i live in Timmins and that is the norm. Ah well, even though it's cold and nasty outside my greenhouse smells like spring and it couldn't make me happier.

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