Friday 21 June 2013

So much planting to do!

I've been so busy i haven't been able to post any of the pictures I've taken this week. There are still 3 more rows to plant and another 100 ft to dig up and prep for next year. I'm actually not sure everything will fit in this garden, i may have to start prepping an extension on Monday. I have a little over 200 peppers that need a home. I'll have too see what my space looks like after i finish getting my seeds in today. 

Here's a picture update!

I planted the giant tomatoes the other day. They're doing well, i have little tomatoes starting everywhere and there are blooms on everything. 

Here's a little tomato on one of my smaller tomato plants. I ran out of string to tie them up so they're all a little floppy right now. Plus they were under a row cover for 3 days so they look slightly beat up. 

Got the squash and watermelon in, as well as the lemon cucumbers. 

It's a pepper!

Poblano pepper

More peppers!

Sweet Red Long peppers.

More pepper plants. 

And some more. 

The aphid situation hasn't changed much, i'm basically just keeping them at bay until my ladybugs arrive in the next few days. They're still beating up my plants pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as they were.  Presently i'm spraying them every day with dish soap, water and vegetable oil. I thought for a while that i may have some green lace wings in there but i don't have enough to curb the aphid population. I have a load of fat spiders, but not enough to even put a dent in the aphids. 
We finished transplanting all the peppers in the greenhouse yesterday, i had some help from a very lovely friend. The rest of the peppers went outside yesterday to harden, not the best way to harden off pepper plants but i figure it's time for them to sink or swim. 

The flea beetles have mostly gone away, there are still some munching on the mustard, but it's matured enough now that they can't really make a dent in it. 

My carrots finally sprouted! Took forever, but they're finally up. I'm really happy. 

I'm so close to having everything in the ground i can taste it!

I hired a student to help me for the summer, she starts on Monday. She's pumped about the job and i'm pumped that i have some help! 

It's been a long week of working until the sun goes down but, so far i'm pleased with the results. 

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